Wednesday, 12 February 2020

Oil Drop Tubes

Fun project.
Looking at how viscosity affects the drop of a ball in a fixed tube.

Made two tubes, one with Glycerine and one with light oil.

Friday, 17 January 2020

A Stirling Job

Bought a Stirling Engine Kit, and its gorgeous.
Otherwise known as an 'LTD' engine, (Low Temperature Differential Engine)
Bit fiddly to build, but possibly the best set of instructions I've ever had for any model!

Thursday, 27 June 2019

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Biome Update

Pond Biome settled in and changed a lot.  Algea growth and snail population seems to be ok. Most of the wiggly things seem to have gone.  Pond weed grew well then seems to have died back somewhat.

The Moss Biome looked great for a long while, then seemd to have a large die off.  Not looking very nice at this point :-(

Pollen Filters

Made these Pollen Filters for Forensics.
Each one has a 250 micron mesh, dropping down to a 7 Micron Mesh.

Monday, 5 November 2018

Monday, 29 October 2018


The Pond Biome has finally settled properly.  The particulates in there must have been VERY fine as they took  along while to settle.
Lots of wiggly gribbly things in there and the weed seems to have perked up. :-)
Hoping the balance of Oxygen and Carbon dioxide works out well.

Moss Biome appears to be settling in.  I'm sure its looking better than it did at set up.