Saturday, 28 April 2018


Lesson learnt. Working with Gold Leaf is a total  #@!  of a job...

Needed to fix two Electroscopes.
There's a tiny piece of gold leaf about 2 atoms thick, glued at one end to a metal probe.
I had to cut new leaf and stick it to the probe. Its a nightmare to cut as it just tears.

Much swearing later, I got it done :-)

Blue & Green stuff.. makes Brown stuff

Been looking into learning a little basic chemistry.
Interesting stuff.
And loving my Junior Chemistry book.  :-)

Friday, 27 April 2018

Wizzy Mixer

This thing heats and mixes liquids / chemicals by whizzing a metal bar around via Magnets underneath.
Its whizzer was stuck.
I fixed it.

Thursday, 26 April 2018

Melting point kit


This thingy had glass and corrosion stuck in some VERY tiny tubes in a brass heating block.
Works a treat now :-)

Tested it afterwards and the heat got to 240oC.

Obviously I burnt myself on it. :-(
Here's a FLIR image to see the heat. It also shows the heat travelling up the thermometer.

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Earth-like Sytem

The Trappist System.

Couple of earthy types there!
Could life already be there?

Monday, 23 April 2018


Love this lol

Instead of using Lead, I might try and turn morons into gold.
I wouldnt be short of materials.....

Saturday, 21 April 2018

Friday, 20 April 2018

Indiana Jones

To paraphrase Indy...

"Maths, why did it have to be maths....."